Thursday, September 30, 2010

Shave Jake's Head?

Fuel has been flipping awesome these last few weeks and I've seen so much growth so far! Wow! There were almost 80 students last night! Great job to those of you who are bringing friends and spreading the WORD (aka Jesus! refer to John chapter 1)

Okay, honestly, I really don't want to shave my head. I have a really weird shaped head, all lopsided and all. And to top it off, I have a bunch of moles as well as my birthmark... I think. I've shaved my head before but its been years, so it'll be exciting to see how that goes. Now IF we pack out the place, then I'll do it, BUT, if you guys don't bring a friend, then I get to keep my security blanket. :)

Don't just bring a friend, though, to see me shave my head! Bring a friend so they can hear the Gospel and experience the same joy in Christ as WE do!!! You guys are awesome, and I'm stoked to see what you do next week!!!


Thursday, September 16, 2010


Hey Fuel!

Welcome to the new Intern Blog! Ashlen, Bo and I are excited to be able to share with you our thoughts and passions!!! I'm really excited for the year and what God is going to do IN you and THROUGH you!

Its been amazing to see your passion for God increase since last year. I've even seen your passion begin to revolutionize the Big Church as more and more of you are attending our 10:30am service on Sunday Morning (
and right after worship, there's a super rad bible study with maybe some sugary doughnuts!).

Hold onto the passage that Andrew taught last year for 6 weeks. Can you remember? 1 Timothy 4:12.

If we explore different movements in history, they were all mostly led by people our age. You have the hippies of the 60's, the Jesus Movement in the 70's, and even the 12 disciples were around our age when they began to follow Jesus. And they all have something in common... They revolutionized their culture and altered the course of history forever. They went COUNTER-CULTURE and they stood against the 'popular' belief and traditions of their time.

Grab a hold of this! You can be a World Changer, a History Maker, and Revolutionary in your world. Don't ever let Satan make you believe you are anything less than that!

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2